Show Me Your Stash!

Hello from Carolyn!  Now that winter is here for most hemispheres, how are you?  In honour of my birthday November 18th and of Jesus’:  here is an activity for prizes I dreamed up awhile ago.  It’s for everyone, world wide.  If you don’t enter, comment along with us.  Blog subscribers (new welcomed), group challengers, Goodreads contacts…  you’re in!  This is easy, whether you blog or not.

I read physical books only.  Most of you enjoy a variety of formats.  I have looked forward to this event especially, because I wonder what your stashes look like.  Where do you put them?  How tipsy are your piles?  What fun it will be, to see!  For an entry into my prize draw, just do this.


(1)  Photograph one of your book piles, two, or more!
(2)  Write a description in your blog and give that URL here, listing how we’re connected (which challenges, subscribed to this blog, etc).


* If you aren’t a blogger, leave your picture and description at my “Gentle Spectrums” group on Goodreads.  It was made exactly for that.  You can still come back here to cheer and comment.

* If you no longer have physical books, or a physical music collection;  share something else you have in abundance.  For instance, some of my photographs show celebrity perfumes.  Maybe you collect dolls, stamps, hockey cards, musical instruments, matchbox cars, or have a wonderful group of plants.  I adore plants.  Show me your shampoos and conditioners, or food pantry if you have to.  We love a peek at how our peers live and might as well admit it!

I’ll draw on Wednesday, December 10th.  I can’t wait to see your photographs.  Don’t forget the hostess!  I’m on pins & needles for your reactions to my photos and stories too.  Q:-)=

RIEDEL Stash Dresser Dec-4-14

(1)  My “to be read” pile on a dresser.  This is the pile slated within a few months.

RIEDEL Stash Floor Dec-4-14

(2)  Many of this winter’s hopefuls were safer being stacked on our bedroom floor.

RIEDEL Stash Bedroom Shelf Dec-4-14

(3)  A bedroom shelf;  the bottom two Ron’s, the top two mine.  My second shelf wasn’t photographed!  Atop this whole shelf, used to be a gorgeous jade.  The novels there are precarious.  Below them?  I shudder to tell you…  there is a third pile behind the two rows you see!

About RIEDEL Fascination

I cherish animals, plants, reading, music, and free spirituality. I write varieties of articles, host activities, and in special cases I make friends! Surrounding ourselves with good people and animals is a delight.
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15 Responses to Show Me Your Stash!

  1. I commented at your blog how thrilled I was to view your tour. (Perhaps you can correct my typo in the word ‘reaction’ to ‘react’). Second only to seeing everything everybody sends in: I’m excited to read what people think of mine! :-)

  2. Thank you for enjoying my tour too! More than one person must suspect that these *only* represent bedroom piles. Perhaps when we have our draw, I’ll announce the winner vis-a-vis pictures of other book areas. One would entail a photograph of a separate building!

  3. Lovely piles! I’ve written my post which shows some of my books – here it is –

    Like Cath I’m doing your My Kind of Mystery challenge and connect with you via Goodreads.

    • I’m glad you ladies enjoyed my photo tour, as I did yours. Thank you. Be assured the largest percentage of our books are shelved. If my guests are keen, I’ll show more another time. I loved seeing a few of your LPs too.

  4. deslily says:

    I follow Cath’s blog and thought I would do the “stash” photo’s too. I don’t really “officially” join things as then I feel obligated…but I enjoy books so much this was a pleasure. I always love trying to read all the titles, and wish I could read paperbacks like you! I can read trade paperbacks but mostly the print is a touch bigger in hardbacks. (not the LARGE print..not yet anyway lol)

    • It’s about the ‘follow’ button at my blog (or Goodreads) but Cath sure is worth knowing. ;) Rest assured there’s nothing more to it than that. Welcome Pat! Thanks for participating. Even my reading challenge guests would tell you those are extremely flexible too. Read more, fewer rules I say! I was thrilled I sparked your interest, when you heard of my special event. Nicely put together.

  5. Topcho says:

    Well there are only 15 minutes to midnight in my part of the world, which probably means I am late yet again, but here’s my post!

    Lol, Carolyn, I was so relieved to see actual piles and not only neatly staked shelves. Those unicorn titles made me laugh – I should check them :D

    All of the other’s stashes were amazing and I especially loved deslily’s with all the Trek books and the figurines :D

    • I really have to show you shelves that we use more normally! When we announce the winner, I’ll do a new post. At least *your* piles aren’t on the floor! I love that you climb a chair to put away a read book and only then, bring an unread one down! The books we keep? In plastic cartons (to protect against moisture). I wonder if everyone knows that everything they’re seeing in *my* photos is unread. Oy vey!

  6. Jessika says:

    Here’s my entry

    It’s my board game bookcase! My hubby and I love to play games of all kinds; board games, card games, video games, computer games, etc. Pictured on this bookcase are some of my favorites; Pathfinder (card game), Shadows Over Camelot (board game), and Telestrations (party game).

    The blue bookcase next to it is my homemade TARDIS bookcase from Dr. Who, one of my 8 bookcases with actual books on it.

  7. Susan Flynn says:

    I thought I would do some of my cookbooks for my post I wrote today. I saw your meme first on Cath at Read-Warbler’s blog.

    I’m not doing any of your challenges, I just like the idea of seeing everyone’s books! Thanks for doing this, and hope you enjoyed all the books you’ve been seeing.
    Susan – You Can Never Have Too Many Books blog

    • Whatever I write is always in the hopes of hearing feedback, or conversation. So I am truly pleased by everyone’s pictures, words, and especially enthusiasm for this activity which I’ve had in mind all year!

  8. abookdragon says:

    wishing my stash was better organized! Kind of sad I missed this one but am looking forward to it next time!

    • Let me know if you prefer an e-mail when there are events pertaining to you, or if you are subscribed. I don’t create posts for my reviews; just gather them in my blog menu so traffic is low. :)

Everyone can comment! Use an e-address to sign in. :)