Honouring Loved-Ones In 2021

It was hard to mourn my dear Mom last January but she prepared us kids well.
It has been unbearable for us to grasp that our precious 16 1/2 year old cat Son, Spirit, ascended to Heaven this January.
It unfathomable, far too much, that our beautiful 11 1/2 year old cat Daughter, Marigold, has ascended to the afterlife with them last week.
She is a precious, tiny Mother to 4 of our children, one year younger.
Her sweetheart Son, Love, ascended 6 years ago.

They all ascended naturally at home, as per our beliefs.  Our family surprises us by how well they live, until they one day suddenly go.  It fools us and makes it hard but encouraging at the same time.

These cat Sons & Daughters are our brightest lights.  Yes, they still are but the grief is that we need them to shine beside us, here on Earth for a far longer span of time than this.  We honour them with all our hearts.  The books I read, occasions I join in on, plants and flowers we grow, the daily life we lead….  through it all, we think of all of you.

Today is Canada Day.  Tomorrow is the birthday of my childhood cat, Thumbelina, pictured with her Mother, our precious, loyal, SandySandy vanished at age 5 but Thumbelina shone her light beside us for 21 years, 19 days.

It so happens that on this day, our dearest McCartney cat Son will tie her and continue being our family’s longest lived cat.  May the rest of our loved-ones – Angel, Petal, Conan, McCartney – and in the future, be well and stay well for comforting durations of time like this.  May Conan soon be returned home to us as well.

There needs to be respect and consideration for people whose difficulties do not comprise this one advertised pandemic.  We are safe.  We do not mind reading at home and wear a mask, the rare time we go out.  The mantra I would prefer:  “May you lose no more family members for a long time”.

Mom had mini-strokes, which intruded on swallowing food and water safely.
Love had heart failure at only 4 years-old, an invisible birth defect.
Spirit had stomach cancer.
Marigold had red blood cell problems from early onset kidney disease.
Dad had bladder cancer from which he is recovering.
Aunt Carol had breast cancer.  She is working on healing extra cells.  I have told her of the herb Essiac, blended by Aboriginals years ago to cure any kind.

May there be publically distributed cures to these serious illnesses in our lifetimes.  May vet care come down in price or offer broad health plans that families can afford.  Many of us hesitate to involve vets or pay for ultrasounds, unless certain something is wrong that needs help healing.

On behalf of Spirit, followed by Marigold, I have started learning energy medicine and feline acupressure.  I will continue it, my dear babies.  McCartney & I are taking the Essiac that we had tried on her.  I am sad I did not know of it while Spirit lived. Something about it these wholesome new efforts helped each of you, as well as us.

We love you as much as you love us, our dearest Spirit & Marigold, Lovey & Mom, Thumbelina & Sandy!  Please always be near us as clearly as you can show us.
Always, Momma Carolyn, Dad Ron, and the rest of our family.

About RIEDEL Fascination

I cherish animals, plants, reading, music, and free spirituality. I write varieties of articles, host activities, and in special cases I make friends! Surrounding ourselves with good people and animals is a delight.
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8 Responses to Honouring Loved-Ones In 2021

  1. I am so very sorry to hear of more loss in your family. Losing our fur babies is so, so hard. I lost my Alice two weeks ago. She was in kidney failure and I had to make the difficult decision to let her go. She was 14 years young. It is so very hard. I understand completely your sadness. There is not a moment that I do not think of her. I’m sure it’s the same for you. Rest in peace to your darling babies. I’ll be keeping positive thoughts for you.

    • Oh no, Michelle! I am sorry your loved-one, Alice, ascended to the afterlife one week before Marigold! All our cats all my life go naturally; two from kidney disease, Spirit from stomach cancer. Whatever our beliefs, health crises are heartbreaking. Marigold was not expected to last. Not eating, lost weight, poor test results. She had an additional year and 1 1/2 month and went back to normal.

      I suspect Spirit plodded on with hidden cancer. Lost weight & threw up terribly 3 years ago, then went back to normal. When health slipped, we did what we could medically and alternatively, until their souls left. Yes, ages 11, 14, 16 are too young for each of our strong beauties! Thank you for reaching out. I reach back and give condolences to you in your time of physical loss too.

      I am glad Alice continued to your new home. You tend her resting place and honour her any time you need to. I hope she loved your new home and send prayers for all of you, missing her so powerfully. Flowers are growing for Love, Spirit, & Marigold. Thumbelina’s cross from our childhood home sits at their head. *Love, Carolyn*.

    • Michelle, of course Alice and your sorrow must be acknowledged just as well! I hope she loved her new home and that your other cats are doing okay, missing her. Please e-mail me sometime, or write here; either way and tell me about your move. It must have been happy and a fun change for you all, while Alice with with you all. Your friend, Carolyn.

  2. Christina Deptulski says:

    So sorry to hear about your losses.🙏

    On Thu, Jul 1, 2021 at 3:53 PM RIEDEL FASCINATION wrote:

    > RIEDEL Fascination posted: ” It was hard enough to mourn my dear Mom last > January. It has been unbearable for us to grasp that our precious 16 1/2 > year old cat Son, Spirit, ascended to Heaven to join my Mom this January. > It unfathomable are far too much, to our beautiful 11 1/2 y” >

  3. Kerri says:

    Beautiful post Carolyn. I’m so sorry for everything you have been through recently. I loved seeing all these wonderful photos. :)

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