Themes: guilty, country, historic

Guilty Reading 2013

Reluctant Heroine     1-03  books
Eager For Challenge  4-06  books
Brave Heart              7-10  books


It’s fun to conquer a slalom course of games.  Nina’s completely open theme merely gives ranks to strive for.  I love that we’re invited to make what we wish of this group!  Since it’s my vision, I easily pledge to ‘Brave Heart’:  10 books!  I sometimes save the best for last, so shelf-sitting has nothing to do with eagerness.  My take on “Guilty Reading” is dual.

(A)  Books I’m less interested in than others.  Perhaps a cover hadn’t captivated me or a synopsis indicates it isn’t my favourite cup of tea.  Stay tuned to find out if I stand corrected and enjoy them more than I imagined.

(B)  I have copies that are in disrepair, even if the subjects are wonderful.  There are great used bookstores that buy from me.  I endeavour to read and decide what I’m not keeping, while I have contacts that will buy them.



Blue Fire”  Phyllis A. Whitney  1961
Never Call It Loving”  Dorothy Eden  1966
The Ghost Of The Isherwoods”  Carol Beach York  1966
The Secret”  Carol Beach York  1984
If You Grew Up With Abraham Lincoln”  Anne McGovern  1966
A Killer Tide”  P.J. Alderman  2006
Kilroy And The Gull”  Nathaniel Benchley  1977
Hercules & Other Tales From Greek Myths”  Olivia E. Coolidge  1949



Read And Buried”  Erika Chase  2012
Greenapple Street Blues”  Ted Staunton  1987
Dark They Were & Golden-Eyed”  Ray Bradbury  1949
The Sign Of Four”  Arthur Conan Doyle  1890
Forward, Shakespeare!”  Jean Little  2005
The Salzburg Connection”  Helen MacInnes  1968
Charlotte’s Web”  Elwyn Brooks White  1952




Countries Visited 2013

Tourist           05 countries
Vacationer      10 countries
Business Traveler  15 countries
Adventurer       20 countries
World Traveler    30+ countries


Here’s a walk in the park that isn’t well known!  Other than yours, see how many countries are covered in books.  Multiple countries in the same one accumulate!  I’ll at least aim for ‘Vacationer’:  10 countries but we’ll see what my perusals contain.  Click any reading banners I post, to open all the sign-up sites.


Black Amber”  Phyllis A. Whitney  – TURKEY
Thunder On The Right”  Mary Stewart  – FRANCE
Uncertain Voyage”  Dorothy Gilman  – AMSTERDAM, SPAIN
The Salzburg Connection”  Helen MacInnes  – AUSTRIA, SWITZERLAND
Ghost Town Treasure”  Clyde Robert Bulla  – USA
The Snow Goose”  Paul Gallico  – ENGLAND
Mystery At Black Rock Island”  Robert Sutherland  – SCOTLAND-
The Foundling Fox”  Irina Korschunow  – GERMANY
Celtic Praise”  Robert VanDeWeyer – IRELAND
The Haunting At Cliff House”  Karleen Bradford  – WALES
Blue Fire”  Phyllis A. Whitney  – SOUTH AFRICA
Stories Of Ghosts, Witches”  F. Littledale – ICELAND
“The Unexpected Mrs. Pollifax”  D Gilman – MEXICO, ARMANIA, YUGOSLAVIA
Dark They Were & Golden-Eyed”  Ray Bradbury  – MARS!
The Little Prince”  Antoine De St. Exupéry  – ASTEROID PLANETS!
Hercules & Other Tales From Greek Myths”  – GREECE, MOUNT OLYMPUS

18 countries + 3 non Earth locations.




Historical Fiction

20th Century   02
Victorian         05
Renaissance     10
Medieval          15
Ancient History  25+


I spoke with the hostess about ‘historical’:  defined as fiction made up to be in the past.  It can describe once current fiction now at least 50 years old to us.  She prefers the original perception, inventing a historic tableau but accepts fiction outdated by time, if a distinct time capsule is captured.  I’m new to this genre and look forward to samples of both.  I will stretch myself to the ‘Victorian’ level:  5 books.

The Ghost Of Windy Hill”  Clyde Robert Bulla  1968
Room With A Clue”  Kate Kingsbury  1993
Do Not Disturb”  Kate Kingsbury  1994
The Copper Sunrise”  Bryan Buchan  1972
Hercules & Other Tales From Greek Myths”  Olivia E. Coolidge  1949
Irish Cures, Mystic Charms, Superstitions”  Lady Wilde  1991
Stories Of Ghosts, Witches, Demons”  Freya Littledale  1971
Never Call It Loving”  Dorothy Eden  1966
Haunting Jordan”  P.J. Alderman  2009
10)  “Street Of Riches”  Gabrielle Roy  1955

Blue Fire”  Phyllis A. Whitney  1961
The Salzburg Connection”  Helen MacInnes  1968
The Sign Of Four”  Arthur Conan Doyle  1890
The Secret Adversary”  Agatha Christie  1922
Murder On The Links”  Agatha Christie  1923
The Snow Goose”  Paul Gallico  1940
Mystery In The Pirate Oak”  Helen Fuller Orton  1949
18)  “Ghost Town Treasure”  Clyde Robert Bulla  1957


About RIEDEL Fascination

I cherish animals, plants, reading, music, and free spirituality. I write varieties of articles, host activities, and in special cases I make friends! Surrounding ourselves with good people and animals is a delight.
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5 Responses to Themes: guilty, country, historic

  1. Apologies for the inconvenience! Here’s the link for the January reviews,

  2. Topcho says:

    Now I can oficially say hello and welcome to the Guilty challenge! Your definition is really interesting and I can’t wait to see the books you will pick. I will add a Linky for reviews till the end of the week :) Happy reading!

  3. Abbi Hart says:

    Thanks for signing up for my Where are You Reading Challenge! You asked if there was a page for reviews. I hadn’t planned on it but I can make one if you’d like!

    • That would be great Abbi. I don’t see a link yet; let me know what it is. A great purpose to reading groups beyond having somewhere to PUT where we read, is a bit of publicity for our blogs and links to our reviews. I appreciate ‘helpful’ clicks on Amazon Canada, or at least people reading what I take great care to compose professionally and fairly. These links would have nowhere to go except a busy comment queue, if you weren’t making a page. :)

  4. Topcho says:

    Hi! Thanks so much for playing along! Your list of Guilty Reads is really awesome and I so loved reading your reviews on the books! Also, big thanks for noting me my comment section didn’t work properly, I am checking this too :)

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