Outlets For Series

More than halfway through the year I discovered ‘reading challenges’ and completed all 17 I chose.  I’m being daring in 2013, imagining the good I can do starting right in January!  I’m joining more of these pleasant circles than ever.  Out of respect for non-book followers of my blog, I’m grouping about three together per post.  First up:  more outlets to tackle book series!


Firsts 2013

I was thrilled to stumble upon a pair, “Firsts&Seconds“, creatively thought of by a ‘Katy’.  But we haven’t heard from her and another fan, ‘Darlene’s Book Nook’, is keeping it available.  Part I invites exposure to numerous series at your chosen pace.  Book 1 of anything that continued, will do.  I’ll start as a ‘series lover‘ because I like to finish all the way through what I start.  If you multiply that by ten, that’s a lot of stories.


Series Novice:    05 that are first.
Series Lover:     10 that are first.
Series Expert:    20 that are first.
Series Fanatic:    30 that are first.

Mystery At Black Rock Island”  Robert Sutherland  1983
The Secret Of Terror Castle”  Robert Arthur  1964
Dancing Feathers”  Christel Kleitsch  1985
The Secret Adversary”  Agatha Christie  1922
Rest You Merry”  Charlotte MacLeod  1978
Night Of The Living Deed”  E.J. Copperman  2010
Defending Angels”   Mary Stanton  2008
Homicide In Hardcover”  Kate Carlisle  2009
Mew Is For Murder”  Clea Simon  2005

10)  “Who Do Voodoo”   Rochelle Staab  2010
The Secret Of The Old Clock”  Mildred A Wirt  1930
Murder On The Canadian”  Eric Wilson  1976
A Killer Read”   Erika Chase  2012
 Jacob Two-Two Meets Hooded Fang”  Mordecai Richler  1975
If Walls Could Talk”  Juliet Blackwell  2010
Room With A Clue”  Kate Kingsbury  1993
The Ghost & Mrs. McClure”  Alice Kimberly  2004
Fer-De-Lance”  Rex Stout  1934
Pretty Poison”  Joyce, Jim Lavene  2005

20)  “Death By Darjeeling”  Laura Childs  2001
The Irish Cottage Murder”  Dicey Deere  1999
Casting Spells”  Barbara Bretton  2008
The Unexpected Mrs. Pollifax”  Dorothy Gilman  1966
Haunting Jordan”  P.J. Alderman  2009
Borrower Of The Night”  Elizabeth Peters  1973
The Tower Treasure”  Leslie McFarlane  1927



Seconds 2013


The match to this pair invites you to stick with series, sharing any volume II.  A great addendum I wish were in both, is an option to include the second time you’ve read any author.  It doesn’t have to be ‘book 2’ of anything and opens up titles that might not fit anywhere else, such as standalone novels.  This flexibility enables me to go higher.  I’ll reach for ‘a few more bites‘!


A Spoonful:  05 second in a series, or second time .
Few More Bites:  10 second in a series, or second time.
A Full Plate:  20 second in a series, or second time.
All You Can Eat:  30 second in a series, or second time.

The Ghost Of Windy Hill”  Clyde Robert Bulla  1968
If Books Could Kill”  Kate Carlisle  2010
A Time To Be Brave”  Christel Kleitsch  1985
The Luck Runs Out”  Charlotte MacLeod  1979
The Secret Adversary”  Agatha Christie  1922
Demons Are A Ghoul’s Best Friend”  Victoria Laurie  2008
Jacob Two-Two & The Dinosaur”  Mordecai Richler  1987
Vancouver Nightmare”  Eric Wilson  1978
Forward, Shakespeare!”  Jean Little  2005
10)  “Green Apple Street Blues”  Ted Staunton  1987

The Hidden Staircase”  Mildred A Wirt  1930
The Loon Lake Murders”  Robert Sutherland  1987
Do Not Disturb”  Kate Kingsbury  1994
Angel’s Advocate”  Mary Stanton  2009
Murder On The Links”  Agatha Christie  1923
Copper Sunrise”  Bryan Buchan  1972
The Secret”  Carol Beach York  1984
Kilroy And The Gull”  Nathaniel Benchley  1977
Charlotte’s Web”  E.B. White  1952
20)  “Read And Buried”  Erika Chase  2012
The Sign Of Four”  Arthur Conan Doyle  1890
Too Many Ghosts”  Paul Gallico  1959
Haunting Jordan”  P.J. Alderman  2009
Laced With Magic”  Barbara Bretton  2009
The Irish Manor House Murder”  Dicey Deere  2000




Seriously Series 2013

  Pre 2013 In 2013 Re-Reads
Semi-Serious 1-6 series 1-6 1-6 series
Seriously Serious 7-12 7-12 7-12
Super Seriously Serious 13-18 13-18 13-18
Seriously Spectacular Star 18+ 18+ 18+

Every three months, there’s a check-in to report progress and re-assess your goals.  Six series are a big order, if you factor in completing them, with innumberable quantities of books.  I’ll say ‘semi-serious‘.


All of these have been begun in 2013.

1)  “Dancing Feathers”  Christel Kleitsch  1985
A Time To Be Brave”  Christel Kleitsch  1985

2)  “Jacob 2-2 Meets The Hooded Fang”  Mordecai Richler  1975
Jacob Two-Two & The Dinosaur”  Mordecai Richler  1987

I was surprised to see these excellent Canadian children’s books aren’t one-off but a series.  I’m content to stop with what I own.

3)  “A Killer Read”  Erika Chase  2012
Read And Buried”  Erika Chase  2012

The plot ideas and outcomes were plausible and very, very good.  Unfortunately the writing is weighed down by so much irrelevant detail;  you scarcely get to the mystery and they scarcely fit the genre at all.  I bore the tedium of the second novel to see if “TMI” (too much information) improved.  I won’t collect any more.

4)  “Casting Spells”  Barbara Bretton  2008
Laced With Magic”  Barbara Bretton  2009
Spun By Sorcery”  Barbara Bretton  2010
Spells & Stitches”  Barbara Bretton  2011

This is the best series I have ever read and I worry that people get the wrong impression from the knitting cover.  It leans more towards fantasy that guys could enjoy!  I hope it continues from 2011.

5)  “In A Witch’s Wardrobe”  Juliet Blackwell  2012

This too has become a treasured series.  I’m been chomping at the bit to obtain Juliet’s latest installment.  I am a supporter of solely paper, physical books.  I’ll make sure to have it in 2014/

Could you imagine the vastness of Kate Kingsbury, Charlotte MacLeod, Agatha Christie, Rex Stout?  I lay out titles belonging to series, as I finish.  I will mix & match the keepers when they’re organized.

About RIEDEL Fascination

I cherish animals, plants, reading, music, and free spirituality. I write varieties of articles, host activities, and in special cases I make friends! Surrounding ourselves with good people and animals is a delight.
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4 Responses to Outlets For Series

  1. Welcome to the 1st In A Series and 2nds Challenges, CM! I hope you have fun reaching your goals!

  2. Glad you’re joining us for Seriously Series! Good luck!

  3. Responding to the question you left on the Seriously Series sign up page:
    As we stated “A series is considered complete in one of two ways: either as finishing all the books that you own in the series or as obtaining and reading all the books that have been published in the series to date. Because we don’t want this challenge to become a financial burden, how you choose to define completion is left to your discretion.”

    Honestly, the challenge is here to give you a boost to get your series read. If you only want to read the books you own, that’s fine. If you want to go out and buy all the books so you can finish the series in its entirety, that’s fine, too. I, personally, am doing a combination of both – I’m trying to clear out my series, but some series I *have* to own all the books on so I can get caught up.

    Again, that part of the challenge is up to you.

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