What is “A RIEDEL Clue”?


I am happy to launch my first trio of reading challenges!
With great pleasure, each shall have its own activities.  There’s no reason to drop off a link, with silence ensuing for months.  It will be lovely to converse about the books at our table.  I’ve waited long to find peers who have read the same thing.

There’s little I love more than trivia.  I clean clocks at board games.  For Hallowe’en, I send next-door’s teenagers on a quest.  For my mystery group, I have prepared riddles!  Get ready for “A RIEDEL Clue”!  My blog challenges are easy for their broadness.  My games on the other hand, will be as puzzling as members need!

****  Each time “A RIEDEL Clue” is dropped  ****

There will be 48 hours for answers.
If an answer doesn’t occur to you, comment by saying “Hint”.
If you know the answer, e-mail it secretly;  to give others a shot.
If there are no answers except “Hint”, I will contribute another clue.
Thus there will be 48 hours to mull that over.

Mutiple correct entries become a draw and I include all members ~ world wide.
I hope you have as much fun playing this game, as I do from the creative side!

****  PRIZES  ****

Perhaps Canadian postcards, a used book of choice, an item from my own greeting card company.  I think along the lines of Christmas;  it isn’t about expense.  It’s a delight merely to open something we might like.

Late-comers lured by these posts may sign-up for any of my three reading themes in our chronological year:  February 1, 2014 to February 28, 2015.

A RIEDEL Clue #1
A RIEDEL Clue #2
A RIEDEL Clue #4


1 Response to What is “A RIEDEL Clue”?

  1. Hello dear guests! I’m pleased we’ve launched and inputted reviews. How do you like the unique formats here and in “Gentle Spectrums”? This is a note to ensure you catch my communiqués. Return to our main page often ~ mysterious updates might appear… On a separate note: “A RIEDEL Clue” post will pop up shortly!

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